Camera Crew Germany Blog

C300 camera crew and autocue in Mainz


We provided a Canon C300 crew and teleprompter for a piece to camera in Mainz, near Frankfurt, recently for US-based Carrier. Our corporate-experienced crew from Frankfurt did a great job coaching the talent to give a great delivery.

photo source: Arcalino

Cameraman, edit and FTP in Berlin


London-based Associated Press recently requested several news crews to shoot various news stories in and around Berlin. Our crews shot, edited and FTP’d the clips back to London for a fast turnaround.

photo source: Robert Debowski

C300 camera crew in Frankfurt


Our old friends at Merchant Cantos in London recently decided at very short notice to shoot testimonials in Frankfurt. Within hours we crewed it up for them and had one very satisfied and relieved client.

Camera crew in Munich


We regularly shoot for RAI Italy and this time they requested our local crew in Munich to shoot at the training grounds of world famous FC Bayern. Our footie loving lads had a great day on the job. 

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Photokina Cologne Camera Crew


California based Hive Media shot all last week at the biggest Photography Trade Fair in Europe, the Photokina in Cologne. They came from Studio City with Director and DP and we provided a local 4 man support crew including Gaffer, Grip, full lighting kit, Sound recordist with kit and an Interpreter. Hive Media saved a huge amount on transportation and costs by hiring our trusted local lads.

photos: Photokina


Camera crew at the Headis Tournament in Münster

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A new addition in our collection of weird & wonderful sports events is Headis – table tennis please with your head! Our local cameraman shot the event in Münster and we did a rough cut and uploaded the footage for our client SNTV in London.

Cameraman and FTP upload in Munich

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Managing IP requested a local cameraman/editor to cover a conference in Munich. He edited the footage straight after the event and ftp’d it to our client in the UK – a speedy turnaround!

Camera crew in Bensheim near Frankfurt

US based Kurt Dalziel regularly requests our local Frankfurt-based crew to shoot for TE Connectivity in Bensheim. This time we provided a 2 man XDCAM HD crew with a PMW 200.


English speaking sound man in Cologne


Gaucho Producions in London saved on travel costs and accommodation by hiring one of our local bilingual sound recordists for a shoot they had in Cologne recently. It is quite common for oversees producers to send a director and cameraman to Germany and they then pick up local support crew to keep within budget.

Camera Crew in England

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For London based SNTV we sent our cameraman all the way up to Lancashire to shoot the weird & wonderful World Gravy Wrestling Championships. Our shooter got right into the action and delivered great footage which we FTP’d to the client straightaway.

Sony f5 camera crews and drone in oranienburg near berlin

London based TVC is regularly requests crews from us in Germany and this time we spent a couple of days shooting a promo for GE funding. We supplied local talent from Berlin consisting of 2 Sony F5 crews, drone with Gopro, make up and English-speaking producer.

Camera crew in Wales

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A golden oldie on our calendar of wacky sports events is the crazy “Mountain Bike Bog Snorkelling” competition. We shot this for London based Omnisports and FTP’d a rough cut to them straight after the event, so the world could sit back and have a good laugh instead of hearing horror stories about the Middle East, Ukraine and Cliff Richard.

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Camera crew in Vienna for Discovery Canada


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Toronto based Daily Planet requested we send our Vienna based camera crew to film the wacky Austrian inventor Peter Mondl. We shot XDCam HD and ftp’d the footage straight back to Toronto for a speedy turnaround.
Video source Peter Mondl

SNG services in Cologne, Germany for Gamescom

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The annual Gamescom event in Cologne is a Mecca for all video game freaks and we have been shooting there regularly over the last few years. This time our old client, Mediakinetc from the UK, requested 2 SNG trucks and a director for a massive Xbox presentation at Cologne’s Vulkannhalle.
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Camera crew in Stuttgart

Silicone Valley based Flextronics is the second largest global Electronics Manufacturing Services company in the world. They requested we shoot at their plant in Stuttgart, Germany highlighting recent innovations in the world of electronics. The Flextronic media team sent us a list of shots they wanted which we then filmed on XDCam After the shoot we uploaded the footage to the USA for a speedy turnaround.

Camera crews in Darmstadt, Frankfurt

France-based Euronews and Toronto-based Daily Planet requested crews from us to document the historic voyage of the spacecraft “Rosetta” which has reached its goal after a 10 year journey and 6.4 billion kilometers. The goal being the Comet 67P/”Tschuri”.
It was an exciting day at the European Space Agency in Darmstadt with crews form all over the world!

Camera Crew at Burg Eltz

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Wales-based Green Bay Media requested a crew and fixer to shoot at the impressive castle “Burg Eltz” near the Rhine river in Germany. Beautiful images and glorious scenery (we lucked out with the weather) all made for a great shoot. We shot XDCam and the footage is part of a larger programme called “Castle Builders”, which Green Bay are producing for the BBC.

C300 camera crew filming in Frankfurt

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The London-based finance group Merchant Cantos are regular customers of ours and this time they requested at short notice a C300 crew in Frankfurt to film interviews and then ftp the footage asap back to London to incorporate it into a larger corporate film they are producing.


C300 camera crew and producer in Mainz, near Frankfurt

abbott mainz

The pharmaceutical giant Abbot requested we interview a couple of their employees recently at the Hyatt Hotel. We were supplied with the questions and our own producer conducted the interview, our C300 camera crew did the recording.

Camera crews and teleprompter in Dresden

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US-based Eye Magic Productions, Jill Woo, came back again with a request to shoot an item for the medical research information platform WebMD. This time we found ourselves in Dresden and shot with 3 of our Sony F5 camera crews, a mix of local heroes based in Dresden, Leipzig and Berlin.

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Camera Crew in Finland


Fins are pretty wacky and always game for a laugh. They come tops too with their Wife Carrying World Championships which has been going on for many years now and beats all other similar events! We shot XDCAM HD, did a rough cut onsite and then FTP’d the footage to our clients in London.

Bizarre Sports in the UK

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London-based SNTV requested another 2 wacky sports events and we sent our London-based camera crew to Lincolnshire to shoot the “Egg Throwing Championships” and our Sheffield-based crew to shoot “Octopush, Underwater Hockey”.


Sound recordists in Hamburg, Leipzig and Austria


The Canadians are keeping us very busy and like lots of other outfits from overseas all they need is a sound recordist to complete their crew. Our hand-picked crews all speak English and German so the clients get a free translator and being as they’re local they know where to get the best beer in town. On this occasion we used our local heroes in Hamburg, Schleswig, Braunschweig, Leipzig and last but not least in Salzburg, Austria.

Today’s the day

crew paris
Video production is gearing up big time and today we have an EX3 crew shooting in Paris, we have a multi camera Green Screen shoot with Teleprompter in Milan, we have a multi camera conference shoot in Düsseldorf and last but not least a lighting crew in Berlin. Keep ’em comin’!


Camera crew in London

accenture london
US-based Accenture needed a Sony EX3 crew to shoot interviews at the Dorchester hotel London. Of course we helped them out and blew the dust off the old EX3…

Runner in Düsseldorf

bbc runner düsseldorf

Red Bee media requested an English-speaking runner for a BBC shoot they were working on in Düsseldorf, Germany. We accessed one of our local guys there and the BBC ended up with a translator and runner at a bargain price.


Cameraman in Nuremberg, Germany


CNN London requested a cameraman with C300 kit for a 2 day shoot in Nuremberg, Germany. We sent a Frankfurt based crew there which is about a 2 hours drive away.

Canon C 300 camera crew in Frankfurt


Another standard request from a client in the USA, shooting a corporate interview on a Canon C300 in Frankfurt, the affordable camera kit offers stylish images which can make the most boring board rooms look interesting.

Sony EX3 camera crew in Amsterdam


Our old and trusted friend Jill Woo from Eye Magic Productions USA requested an EX3 camera crew to shoot a corporate for one of her customers just outside Amsterdam, Netherlands. Its one of the oldest affordable HD camera models but still finds its place on many lowish budget corporate productions, which don’t want the large sensor shallow depth of field look.

DIT, Sound recordist and Make up artist in Munich


London based Motion Picture House requested a support crew from us on a shoot they were doing about Usain Bolt in Munich recently. We supplied a local DIT, Sound recordist and Make up person, saving them a lot of travel and accommodation costs. This is one of our mainstays for oversees producers

LiveU camera crew in Frankfurt


Bloomberg requested we use the portable uplink package LiveU for their recent coverage of the European Central Bank interest rates announcement. We spent a day testing the relatively user friendly kit and then spent all day broadcasting live pieces to camera and interviews. We broadcasted world wide all day without a hitch and can definitely recommend this sng in a back pack solution to all our colleagues

VJ goes iphone


This guy got it right recently when the European Central Bank was invaded by clunky SNG crews with tons of equipment broadcasting the latest to the big wide world. This one man band did the same as the others with minimal effort.

Analogue adieu in Frankfurt


I guess many of you feel the same pain when you have to ditch all those analogue devices which used to cost an arm and a leg. Its not worth trying to sell the stuff and it ends up being binned. Brave new world.

Green Screen shoot in Frankfurt


We seem to write variants on this post almost every other day. Needless to say Green Screen shoots are the order of the day and have been for a long time. This one was in Frankfurt and was somewhat more elaborate than the usual head and shoulders shot. We needed head to toe shots to be incorporated into a virtual studio type set up. We shot xdcam with teleprompter and recorded 4.2.2. 10 bit to a pix 240 for greater color depth.

Sound recordist Frankfurt


WAR STORY is a new, landmark, television series for HISTORY featuring little-known stories of Canadians in combat, told entirely by the men and women who were there.Toronto based 52 Media came back to us again on their most recent interview for that show over here in Germany. We provided a bilingual sound recordist and transport to help the canadian crew out.Always a pleasure working with Bryn and Barry.

Camera crew in Berlin shooting for SPD


We were asked by the PR agency Scholz and Friends in Bulgaria to shoot a clip about supporting the Bulgarian Social Democrat Party as part of the European Union elections recently.We linked up with the German SPD and shot this during a rally at Berlin’s Alexanderplatz.

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Camera crew at the Big Sheep Grand National in the UK

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This Bank Holiday Monday Hoo Farm in Shropshire attracted visitors from far and wide for the Famous Sheep Steeplechase. The sheep with names such as Woolly Jumper or Welsh Rarebit wore knitted jockeys on their backs and hurdled a furlong to the finishing line. Very, very funny. After the event our local camera crew ftp’d the footage to our London based client SNTV.

Sony F5 Camera crew and Autocue in Bonn

London-based Maverick Advertising shoot all things DHL in Germany and for a number of years now we have been crewing for them on these shoots.This time we were shooting at the DHL headquarters in Bonn with one of our trusted Cologne based camera crews.
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HD camera crews at Böhringer, Ingelheim


The sleepy village of Ingelheim near Frankfurt is famous for its red wine. It is also home to the pharmaceutical giant Böhringer. UK-based Catherine Turner Ltd. regularly requests our Frankfurt based crews to shoot testimonials for her there and this time we shot XDCam HD

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Camera crew filming in Luxemburg



The USA based International Automotive Components group requested a support crew for a corporate shoot they were producing in Luxemburg. We sent our Frankfurt based english speaking gaffer, spark, autocue operator and sound recordist to help the main group from the USA. This is a kind of regular request whereby the core crew from abroad needs local talent not only to save on costs but also to benefit from their local knowledge

photo source: David Evers

Cameraman in Leipzig


London based European Tour Productions (IMG) requested at short notice a camera crew to film the new Ryder Cup Bank Note which is being produced at a money making outfit in Leipzig of all places. We shot XDCam HD.

Conchita Wurst wins Eurovision 2014


Congratulations to Conchita, spanish vulgar for “pussy”. As most people know Wurst is sausage in german. Hence Congratulations “Pussy Sausage”:)

Camera crews for hire for the Imex trade Fair in Frankfurt


Roll up, Roll up, our studios are 5 minutes walk from the forthcoming Imex Trade Fair in Frankfurt and we still have a few camera crews and photographers available to shoot for you. If you need to edit and upload your footage we have a very fast uplink.We’re taking bookings now!

Sony F5 shoot in Wiesbaden, Germany


We crewed up for yet another Opel shoot this week for London-based Deeper Blue. We had a big crew with tons of gear so we used the incredible VW Crafter to shunt everyone around between locations.

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Filming in Frankfurt


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We had the pleasure of working with the award-winning director , Fred Sayeg from L.A. , this week on a multi camera shoot at a schmanzy Frankfurt Hotel, the Villa Kennedy. Take a look at one of his films!

Green screen shoot in Munich


Green screen shoots are the order of the day in the corporate world and this time we hit Munich for US-based Ripe Melon Productions. We shot with that old favorite the Canon C300.

Cameraman in Munich for Italian TV


Milan based Mediaset requested a camera crew to film with their journalist in Munich, a thwarted interview with the controversial FC Bayern München football trainer Pep Guardiola. We shot XDCam and did a speedy edit at the Munich Marriot Hotel and played out directly to Milan.

Easter shoots in the UK


Our UK crews were out in force again this Bank holiday. Good Friday for the annual Marble Championships bash in Sussex, and Easter Monday several hundred miles away in Yorkshire for the Coal Carrying Championships. We had a variety of clients, the German mega broadcaster ZDF, the London based sports programmer TWI and the international newswire SNTV. As always, the order of the day after the shoot is a short rough cut and ftp upload to the clients for a speedy turnaround


Cameraman from Frankfurt

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Inky Dinky Worldwide from Connecticut USA requested a Director/DoP and support crew to produce a film about an award winning scientist in Tübingen, Southern Germany. We sent our Frankfurt based cracks to film on XDCam HD … as so often the motto of the day was “interviews and b-roll”

Sound recordist and Autocue in Frankfurt


London based Merchant Cantos sent a DoP/Director to Frankfurt to shoot interviews and b roll for a corporate film about Pricewaterhouse Coopers. It’s not unusual for production companies to search for local support crews to save on travel and accommodation costs. This is where we step in with our large pool of friendly, bilingual technicians. This time we helped out with a fully equipped sound recordist and teleprompter operator.

Cameraman, Sound recordist and Autocue in Frankfurt

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London-based Merchant Cantos requested a Frankfurt-based camera crew and teleprompter for a shoot at Pricewaterhouse Coppers. Here’s our guys putting our answer to Magliner through its paces.

Sound recordist and fixer in Berlin

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London-based Darlow Smithson Productions required a support crew for a week long documentary they were doing about the Berlin wall. They saved not only on travel and accommodation costs by taking a local crew, they also benefitted from our guy’s local knowledge and translation skills. We provided a driver/fixer, van and sound recordist with kit.

XDCAM camera crew for a conference in Frankfurt

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Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset

For the Philips Lighting conference in the Marriott Hotel in Frankfurt, London-based Merchant Cantos requested a camera crew at short notice. We provided them with a cameraman and sound recordist and shot the event according to their specs.Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset

Camera crew at Opel in Rüsselsheim


London-based Deeper Blue Ltd. came to the home of Opel in Rüsselsheim and requested a 2nd cameraman, autocue operator and sound recordist. It was a fancy Sony F55 shoot and we helped them immensely with our support crew.

photo credit: Visual Impact UK